Automated simulations with Ingrid Cloud®

We will soon have multiple applications to use for Aerospace and flight simulations.

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In an increasingly competitive market engineers have to aggressively pursue innovations while keeping their design safe and reliable at the same time.

Aerospace manufacturers and suppliers are among the companies that can benefit most from fast and precise automatic flow simulations. In an increasingly competitive market engineers have to aggressively pursue innovations while keeping their design safe and reliable at the same time. The aircrafts have to meet higher environmental standards and stricter regulations. The price of material is rising which puts pressure on more cost-effective manufacturing. Simulation-driven aerospace engineering design is the answer to these challenges.

Ingrid Cloud is a fully automated CFD platform that can be operated by non-experts. The designers can run a flow simulation on their own and quickly verify their product concepts at the earliest stage of the design process. They can perform tests without setting up a costly and time-consuming wind tunnel with physical prototypes.

Simulation-driven design helps aerospace manufacturers and suppliers improve fuel efficiency, reduce the environmental impact of air travel, as well as satisfy customer demands for safety, reliability and affordability. Ingrid Cloud lets the engineers and designers optimise their models at the earliest stage before a physical prototype testing.

Use cases for Aerospace

Landing gear

Air frame performance

High life design

Fuel tank design

Passenger comfort