Wind Load application

Wind Load

Ingrid Cloud allows anyone to run accurate flow simulations. Welcome to a new way of predicting building wind load and surrounding wind effects.

- Features of the Wind Load app
- Prices
- Accuracy and benchmarks

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Complex structures and geometries sometimes require alternatives to code and handbook methods.

Martin Fröderberg, Structural Engineer at Tyréns
Easy to use
Upload a 3D model and start an accurate simulation within 5 minutes.
Low cost
Low cost per simulation, and even lower with a subscription!
Intuitive report
Reliable reports with intuitive information, movies, images and raw data.

Benchmark cases have shown that Ingrid Cloud has a 99.5% correlation for surface pressure compared to a physical wind tunnel. and try it for yourself.


Prototype is great for comparing a few different design alternatives. Select this resolution to evaluate the design in an early stage.

low fidelity


Design resolution is best when optimizing for a single design. The resolution makes it possible to evaluate smaller details in the construction.

medium fidelity


Use validation when you want to validate with highest possible accurateness. This will make sure the design is on par with current regulations.

high fidelity

Count on our specialists!

Need extra help understanding the result of a simulation? Looking for a personalized report? Order one of our add-ons!